Seminar On Human Rights and Persons with Disabilities in Higher Education
Date: Wednesday 2 December 2009, 11 - 16.30
Venue: Educarium, Assistentinkatu 5, 2nd floor
Chaired by Vice-Rector of the University of Turku, Professor Erno Lehtinen11.00–11.45 Opening of the Seminar + a View to the Situation of Persons with Disabilities in Higher Education in Turku
Erno Lehtinen, Vice-Rector of the University of Turku
Bengt Sandell, Planning Director, Åbo Akademi University
Juha Kettunen, Rector of the Turku University of Applied Sciences
11.45–12.15 The Finnish Model of Accommodating the Needs of Persons with Disabilities in Higher Education
Paula Pietilä, Disability Coordinator, University of Turku
Hannu Puupponen, Planning Coordinator, ESOK-project
12.15–12.45 The Swedish Legislation on Increasing Access to Higher Education for Students with Disabilities
Christian Edling, Coordinator for Equal Treatment of Students, University of Stockholm
12.45–13.00 Discussion (Facilitated by Michael Stein)
13.00–13.15 Break
13.15–13.45 Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Higher Education: Michael Stein and Lisa Waddington
13.45–14.15 Discussion + Getting Ready for Working Groups (Facilitated by Michael Stein and Lisa Waddington)
14.15–15.00 Working Groups (+refreshments served)
15.00–15.45 Debriefing of Working Groups (Facilitated by Michael Stein and Lisa Waddington)
15.45–16.10 The Address of The Ministry of Education, Armi Mikkola, Counsellor of Education, The Ministry of Education
16.10–16.30 Discussion (Facilitated by Michael Stein and Lisa Waddington)
16.30 Closing the Seminar
Please prefer e-mail registrations by 20 November 2009 to the Seminar Secretary, Ms. Mercy Njoroge (mercienjoroge (at), alternatively by phone to Mr. Jukka Kumpuvuori (02-215 3541). Please disclose your name, e-mail address, where you are coming from
and possible special needs when registering so we can do our best in accommodating your participation.
There will be a general assistant in the seminar.